Children’s Activities


June 10 – July 26
Mon / Wed / Fri
9am – 4pm

Camp All Nations 2024
is underway!

This is going to be a great summer for our campers this year, and we are so grateful to all the donors that are making it possible!

Please contact church for information on registration.

We look forward to seeing you this summer!


Camp All Nations is provided at no charge to the campers because we believe that every child deserves a carefree, fun-time summer vacation. You can help make it possible for a child to have an exciting summer at a Christ-centered quality day camp.

A camper’s day begins with a nutritious breakfast, followed by devotional time. Children are assigned to counselors by age groups for recreation time, Bible stories or studies, and educational enrichment. They break for a USDA standard lunch, and then return to recreation or go on a field trip before ending the day.

Weekly field trips include a wide variety of places to broaden the camper’s educational experience. Locations we have visited in the past include Amazement Square, D-Day Memorial, Lynchburg Fine Arts Center, Miller Park for swimming, the movie theater, Putt-Putt, skating, and more. Most of our campers in the past had never experienced many of these places. It was new, educational, and uplifting.

There is no cost to the camper because we raise funds through donations from people and businesses like you to support this ministry to the children of Lynchburg who cannot afford to attend the camp. The cost per week per child is approximately $75. The camp is 6 weeks long from June 10 – July 26, closed the week of July 4th.

Can you support a child for the entire camp, would your budget allow that? Or could you provide a few weeks instead? Our goal is to raise $20,000.

With your help we will surpass that goal.

Thank you for your interest, and your contribution will be greatly appreciated.